Niles United

We won! Find out more about our work to defeat the voting district referendum. 

Who We Are

We are Niles residents and neighbors united around common interests and a vision for a strong, vibrant, and caring community.

What We Do

We build community. We draw strength from building trust and diversity, and by providing meaningful opportunities to connect. We bring people and groups together in ways that make our community a better place.

We inform and educate. We examine issues with a local lens, create awareness of policy choices and solutions, and explore opportunities for individual and collective action.

We engage in electoral politics. We identify, train, and support new leaders. We care about local issues and races, and we work to elect candidates who will advance our shared interests and vision. 


What We Believe

The members of Niles United represent a broad spectrum of personal beliefs and political affiliations. We are united around the following principles: 

Inclusivity. We seek to create a more inclusive community, one that welcomes, celebrates, and treats all community members equitably, where all residents feel valued and safe to live without fear.

Transparency. We believe that governmental transparency is a critical goal. Transparency promotes accountability, trust, efficiency and effectiveness, and shines a light on corruption. It provides residents with the information needed to make informed voting decisions.

Accountability. We seek to hold accountable those in local government and others who are in positions of power.

Collaboration. We listen and learn from what people in the community are saying and support and amplify the messages of local individuals and organizations promoting social justice. We listen and learn from one another as we seek to reach common goals.